Thursday, October 23, 2008

Diving into the world of cyber blogging.

I'm unsure of how to start, but I'm sure I'll manage. I'm Aidan, currently 15 years of age. In my spare time I tend to enjoy reading, playing various video games, writing, swimming, sailing and archery. I tend to keep to myself as a person on the whole, but I'm the first to admit that I'm outwardly eccentric, not always in a good way, this has also seemed to bar my attempts at getting in any kind of "close relationship" with anyone, particularly those of the opposite sex.

I used to think that "blogging" was for idiots and emos, not that the two are mutually exclusive. But after reading one or two of them I've noticed that it will allow me to vent any "un-savoury" feelings, which will help me contain my otherwise inexplicable rage and I might stop taking it out on my brother (Stresses "might").

Now to some of my background. I was born in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia yada yada... Lived a really ignorant and blissful life until the age of 6, when my Mother gave birth to my sister, who has Down syndrome. This greatly unsettled my Mothers and my Father's relationship, as having a disabled child is very demanding, and they were constantly at odds with each other. However, having her in my life has greatly matured me, and I would not wish for anything else. When I was 7, my Mother then gave birth to my brother, he was born the perfect child, now that he can speak and walk, and the both of us seem to constantly be fighting with each other. When I was 8 my Mother and Father split. Court cases are still going on, it is a constant thorn in my side.

Presently, I live with my Mother and visit my Dad regularly. My Mother is a very caring and loving person, but is prone to childish and erratic mood swings, and she seems to take her frustrations out on me, due to a lack anyone else to complain too I'm guessing. Her relationship with me is always on the rocks, as she never seems to run out of things to criticize me about. My Father is an odd man, in the fact that he isn't really odd at all, Mother always says horrible things about him, I'm starting to find that it's not all true. He has been very caring and understanding of me since the divorce and has put up with all my bitter-narkiness. He has since remarried to a nice and caring person, who I'm quite happy to call my stepmother.

School... Is one of the hardest and confusing things for me to talk about, as while I enjoy learning immensely, I am constantly hindered by the idiotic buffoons in my class, who, since the first day they saw me, immediately branded me as an outcast and nerd. I resent them, and constantly have fitful daydreams about hurting them in odd and painful ways. However, I can take solace in the fact that I have a handful of close friends, that I cherish more then any material possession (CORNY I KNOW.) As to my general academic achievements, they are few and far between, while I fancy myself an English whiz, my spelling is terrible, my math more so, and my lazy and apathetic approach to homework restrains any REAL realisation of my true "Potential".

Well, that's me in a nutshell, I don't expect anyone to read this, and in-turn, don't expect any "regular" updates, I shall update when I see fit to.

Yours arrogantly


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